Sunday, June 6, 2010

Ethnic Strifes in South Africa

Hi, this is Micheal Ballack captain of the German soccer team. The past ethnic strife's in South Africa occurred in the 1890's to the 1970's with a series of laws that were put in place by the British Government. The Government had three types of race White, Black, and Coloured which allowed certain races to exceed others rights. In the early 20Th century many countries around the world refused to trade with Africa due to its racial government and segregation. In 1974 was Mahlabatini Declaration of Faith signed by South Africa's government and started to end discrimination against blacks. The ethnic relations in South Africa have changed much, there is more freedom and welcoming from people as you walk in. The people are very nice and show much hospitality for our team. Lots of street vendors want to sell us homemade meals and crafts, these street vendors look very poor and rely of tourism for money. There is not much higher class in South Africa, only the rich live on the top of hills and valleys to escape the heat and villages. The laws for blacks and whites are the same, but much of the blacks live in the villages while lots of whites are in the upper class. I think this will not continue until many blacks start their own buisnesses and create wealth for themselves, in effect should also help the economy of South Africa. I think that this is a big step forward for South Africa since what it used to be and I hope it continues.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

FIFA world cup tour

Hello Michael Ballack here captain of the Germany soccer team. Although I will not be playing in this FIFA world cup I will be following my team to South Africa to support them. I am sure we will be welcomed to South Africa and followed by many fans. Although South Africa is much hotter then the Germany climate we are so used to playing in, I am sure we will adapt. South Africa also has very different food but we will stay on a good protein diet, we will not be able to eat big portions of meats, and although that is a main food in South Africa we will have to resist. As our training in Appiano Sulla Strada Del Vino, Italy for the world cup comes to an end we will still train in between matches. My team is in group D and we are scheduled to play Australia, Serbia, and Ghana. We will open our campaign in Durban against Australia. We will travel 930km along the coast to Nelson Mandela Bay/ Port Elizabeth to face Serbia. If we do well we will go to South Africa. Our Fist game being in Australia will almost prepare us for the heat of the climate in South Africa. Australia almost has the same exact weather as South Africa but we will surely not be welcomed by soccer fans in Australia. My Countries Soccer team has high rankings in the world of football and we will sure make an impression during the 2010 FIFA world cup! Although much news media states that with my loss we have lost our chances of our fourth world cup, I know we still have a high chance of winning.